This line of thought is not lost on the development community however as WWII seems to be getting systematically replaced with the future remnants of WWIII. As much as I enjoy the idea of nuclear warfare, until the clock really strikes I sort of don't want all of my games to be about everything being all destroyed. Sure it affords us opportunities to shoot mutants (and sometimes the Nazi zombie as if we hadn't had enough living ones), but I'm starting to think there could be more creative excuses for why that dog is bigger than me.
Having said all that, I have to concede that there aren't really that many scenarios that lend themselves to video games well. Modern Warfare, as fantastic as it is, only escaped public outcry because it called Iraq something different (Autostrad if you're interested). Remember Seven Days in Fallujah? What about Superman Returns? (I didn't mean to bring that one up. Don't be mad.) The point is that if we're not in space (New Mumbasa counts), or in hell, the only place we can go and shoot up some shit is post-apocalyptia.
If you'd like my opinion (and I know you do) video games will be stuck in these places until developers stop listening to Glen Beck and start listening to their own artistic inner selves. If you think Fallujah makes a good setting, make that game. I'll probably buy it just because there aren't any Nazis (and as it turns out no nukes either).