The game is actually less about the war than it is a simple revenge mission for protagonist Sean Devlin. You see, Sean is an Irishman who fixes and races cars for an Italian guy and hangs out with a couple of French people; did you get all that? Now some Nazi guy seems to think Sean and his French friend are spies for the British and ends up shooting Jule (the French guy). Understandably mad, Sean decides to kill all the Nazis.
The game's story is almost action movie simplistic and it never really tries too hard to be anything more, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The presentation more than makes up for the lacking story, though it may seem to be spread a bit thick. Taking place mainly in Paris with other parts in small chunks of Germany and some other undisclosed place that I assume is Ireland, the game is first presented largely in black and white. The Nazis have drained all the local color and spirit. It's certainly very stylish, though it serves to contrast with the color you see later on. After you complete some major missions the region experiences an explosion of color with neat effect, though in color the city sort of looks boring. The environment is still interesting though as the people believably populate the city along with the occupying Nazis who will periodically beat up or shoot civilians (Nazis are kind of jerks remember?).
In order to effect these neato color effects and Nazi killing, Sean moves "deftly" about the rooftops of the city. I quote "deftly" because this free running mechanics feels utterly broken. For some reason Sean's climbing ability is linked to madly tapping the A button and in so doing he will climb in seemingly random directions. Poor form, especially right after Assassin's Creed 2. Even when mashing the button, the mechanic doesn't seem to work all the time and there are numerous times when a quick getaway is needed that Sean will simply decide against climbing up the damned rail! Climb! Go you bastard! Maybe the mechanic is hackneyed by the overly slow animations, but it could have been done better.
The stealth mechanic works much better however and it feels genuinely cool to sneak up on a bad guy and punch his head to death so you can take his clothes. Just like in Hitman, it's a good thing all the bad guys wear the same size as the hero. Being in disguise is really helpful in a lot of missions and helps to add depth and alternate routes to mission completion that makes the experience more organic. Most of the missions offer tons of ways to complete them.
It also helps that the Nazis aren't all that smart. When shit gets crazy and you have to run for it to one of the provided hiding spots, so long as a Nazi isn't looking directly at you they'll forget about you. I don't remember hearing that Nazis couldn't see people who were peeing in notice board posts, but that's okay it's at least funny.
Some of the glitches are not as funny however, and the game is pretty buggy. Some bugs are to be expected in a game this large, but there are far too many to excuse, unless floating Nazis and two-headed Nazis that spawned into each other are intentional. Ugh. There are even a few times that easily get you stuck in geometry that may force you to blow yourself up.
Probably the most fun you'll have though is blowing up things. Sean keeps a whole bunch of bombs on him at all time which you use to blast sniper towers, fuel depots, tanks, and all sorts of other Nazi property. The cool thing is that if you blow up enough stuff, there are fewer Nazis around making escapes a lot easier. This is a very cool mechanic that should absolutely be copied.
Lastly, one thing that bothered me about the whole thing is the language in the game. Not the foul stuff, that's okay, but the language in general. The game is all in English (except for incidental German screaming) which is understandable, but which language are they speaking? It should be French, but the Germans understand them. It could be German, but the French don't all speak German. It couldn't be English because it takes place in France. Perhaps I'm just nitpicky, but I like stuff like that to be explained.
The Saboteur is a good game overall. It probably wouldn't win any awards, but it has some good ideas that I hope will garner it a sequel. It also has some troubles that need to be addressed before a sequel would be worth shelling out $60 for. If you are dying in this mini-game drought, pick up The Saboteur, you'll like it.